If you are preparing for the “Civil Service Preparation” exam or are simply curious about Nepal’s education system, then this blog post is for you. gk questions about the education of Nepal with answers with play quiz test your knowledge

gk questions about the education of Nepal

Nepal Education System Multiple-Choice Questions for Civil Service Prep
Nepal Education System Multiple-Choice Questions for Civil Service Prep

To help you test your knowledge of the education system in Nepal, we have prepared a set of multiple-choice questions and answers. These questions cover a broad range of topics, from the government agencies responsible for managing the education system to the challenges facing the education system in Nepal. The gk questions about education in Nepal, are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the education system in Nepal and help you prepare for the Civil Service Preparation exam.

education in Nepal: A Complete Guide to the Education System, Challenges, and Progress, with Multiple-Choice Questions for Civil Service Preparation

We have also included a gk questions education PDF version of the multiple-choice questions and answers that you can download for free. This pdf is an excellent tool to help you revise and practice your knowledge of the education system in Nepal. So, let’s dive in and explore the education system in Nepal and test your knowledge with our set of multiple-choice questions and answers.

What is the literacy rate in Nepal?

a) 65%
b) 75%
c) 85%
d) 95%
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What is the most common language of instruction in Nepali schools?

a) English
b) Nepali
c) Hindi
d) Chinese
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At what age do Nepali children typically begin attending school?

a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10
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What is the primary level of education in Nepal?

a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) Higher education
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What is the major challenge faced by the education system in Nepal?

a) Inadequate funding
b) Lack of qualified teachers
c) Insufficient infrastructure
d) All of the above
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What percentage of Nepali children drop out before completing primary school?

a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 40%
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What progress has been made in recent years to improve the education system in Nepal?

a) Increased funding for education
b) Implementation of the School Sector Development Plan
c) Expansion of community schools
d) All of the above
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What is the duration of the secondary education cycle in Nepal?

a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 8 years
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What is the highest level of education in Nepal?

a) Bachelor’s degree
b) Master’s degree
c) Doctoral degree
d) All of the above
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What is the role of the Ministry of Education in Nepal?

a) Overseeing education policy and planning
b) Implementing education programs and projects
c) Providing funding and resources for education
d) All of the above
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What is the ratio of female to male literacy in Nepal?

a) 60:40
b) 70:30
c) 80:20
d) 90:10
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What is the main reason for the gender disparity in education in Nepal?

a) Cultural beliefs that prioritize boys’ education over girls’
b) Lack of access to schools for girls in rural areas
c) Limited financial resources for families to send girls to school
d) All of the above
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What is the current state of vocational education in Nepal?

a) Underdeveloped and not widely available
b) Well-funded and highly regarded
c) Limited to specific industries such as tourism and hospitality
d) None of the above
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What is the main focus of the School Sector Development Plan in Nepal?

a) Increasing access to education in rural areas
b) Improving the quality of education
c) Addressing gender disparities in education
d) None of the above
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What is the primary language of instruction in higher education in Nepal?

a) Nepali
b) English
c) Hindi
d) Chinese
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What percentage of the Nepali population has access to higher education?

a) Less than 5%
b) Between 5% and 10%
c) Between 10% and 20%
d) More than 20%
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What is the role of community schools in Nepal?

a) Providing education in remote areas
b) Offering education to disadvantaged communities
c) Promoting local ownership and participation in education
d) All of the above
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What is the main challenge faced by Nepali teachers?

a) Inadequate pay and benefits
b) Insufficient training and professional development
c) Limited access to teaching materials and resources
d) All of the above
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What is the current state of technology integration in Nepali schools?

a) Highly developed and widely used
b) Moderately developed and selectively used
c) Underdeveloped and not widely used
d) None of the above
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What is the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Nepali education?

a) Filling gaps in government funding and resources
b) Providing teacher training and professional development
c) Supporting community schools and education projects
d) All of the above
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What is the status of inclusive education in Nepal?

a) Well-established and widely implemented
b) Limited and not widely implemented
c) Restricted to specific areas and communities
d) None of the above
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What is the primary challenge facing higher education in Nepal?

a) Insufficient funding and resources
b) Limited access to quality programs
c) Lack of research and innovation
d) All of the above
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What is the role of private schools in Nepali education?

a) Providing high-quality education to students
b) Complementing the efforts of public schools
c) Catering to the needs of specific communities
d) All of the above
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What is the status of early childhood education in Nepal?

a) Highly developed and widely available
b) Moderately developed and selectively available
c) Underdeveloped and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education in Nepal?

a) Disruption of classroom learning
b) Increase in dropout rates
c) Limited access to remote learning resources
d) All of the above
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What is the current status of teacher recruitment in Nepal?

a) Highly competitive and selective
b) Moderately competitive and selective
c) Open and inclusive
d) None of the above
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What is the main focus of the Three-Year Interim Plan for Education in Nepal (2020-2023)?

a) Increasing access to education for disadvantaged communities
b) Improving the quality of education
c) Addressing gender disparities in education
d) All of the above
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What is the role of the National Examination Board in Nepal?

a) Developing and administering national exams
b) Setting curriculum standards for schools
c) Providing funding and resources for schools
d) None of the above
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What is the status of online learning in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely used
b) Moderately developed and selectively used
c) Underdeveloped and not widely used
d) None of the above
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What is the current state of school infrastructure in Nepal?

a) Highly developed and well-maintained
b) Moderately developed and inconsistently maintained
c) Poorly developed and inadequately maintained
d) None of the above
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What is the current status of literacy in Nepal?

a) High, with over 90% of the population being literate
b) Moderate, with around 70% of the population being literate
c) Low, with less than 50% of the population being literate
d) None of the above
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What is the main challenge facing education in rural areas of Nepal?

a) Limited access to schools and teachers
b) Limited access to educational materials and resources
c) Cultural beliefs that discourage education
d) All of the above
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What is the role of the School Management Committees in Nepal?

a) Overseeing the management of schools
b) Providing feedback on curriculum and teaching methods
c) Ensuring that schools are meeting the needs of the community
d) All of the above
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What is the status of education for children with disabilities in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely available
b) Moderately developed and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the main goal of the National Education System Plan in Nepal?

a) Improving access to education for all children
b) Ensuring that all children receive quality education
c) Increasing the number of children in school
d) None of the above
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What is the role of the Higher Education Commission in Nepal?

a) Setting policies and regulations for higher education
b) Providing funding and resources for higher education institutions
c) Accrediting higher education institutions
d) All of the above
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What is the status of teacher training and professional development in Nepal?

a) Well-funded and highly regarded
b) Limited and not widely available
c) Underdeveloped and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the main challenge facing the implementation of the National Curriculum Framework in Nepal?

a) Limited funding and resources for schools
b) Resistance to change from teachers and parents
c) Insufficient teacher training on the new curriculum
d) All of the above
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What is the status of distance learning in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely used
b) Moderately developed and selectively used
c) Underdeveloped and not widely used
d) None of the above
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What is the main language of instruction in Nepalese schools?

a) English
b) Hindi
c) Nepali
d) Sanskrit
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What is the main challenge facing girls’ education in Nepal?

a) Cultural beliefs that discourage education for girls
b) Limited access to schools and teachers for girls
c) Lack of government funding for girls’ education
d) None of the above
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What is the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in education in Nepal?

a) Providing financial and material support to schools
b) Providing teacher training and professional development
c) Advocating for policy change and reform
d) All of the above
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What is the current status of private schools in Nepal?

a) Widely available and highly regarded
b) Moderately available and highly regulated
c) Limited and not widely used
d) None of the above
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What is the main challenge facing the implementation of technology in education in Nepal?

a) Limited access to technology and internet connectivity
b) Resistance to change from teachers and parents
c) Insufficient funding and resources for technology integration
d) All of the above
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What is the role of community schools in Nepal?

a) Providing education in rural areas where government schools are not available
b) Providing education to marginalized communities and groups
c) Encouraging community involvement in education
d) All of the above
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What is the main challenge facing higher education in Nepal?

a) Limited access to quality higher education institutions
b) Limited funding and resources for higher education institutions
c) Limited access to scholarships and financial aid for students
d) All of the above
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What is the status of early childhood education in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely available
b) Moderately developed and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the main goal of the School Sector Development Plan in Nepal?

a) Increasing access to education for all children
b) Improving the quality of education in schools
c) Encouraging community involvement in education
d) None of the above
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What is the status of vocational education and training in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely available
b) Moderately developed and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the literacy rate in Nepal?

a) 65%
b) 75%
c) 85%
d) 95%
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What is the main goal of the National Education System Plan in Nepal?

a) To increase access to education for all children
b) To improve the quality of education in schools
c) To promote inclusion and equity in education
d) To enhance vocational education and training opportunities
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Which international organizations are involved in supporting education in Nepal?

c) World Bank
d) All of the above
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What is the status of teacher training in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely available
b) Moderately developed and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the main challenge facing the integration of children with disabilities into the education system in Nepal?

a) Limited access to assistive technology and other resources
b) Stigma and discrimination against children with disabilities
c) Insufficient funding and resources for special education
d) All of the above
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What is the status of girls’ education in Nepal?

a) Well-developed and widely available
b) Moderately developed and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely available
d) None of the above
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What is the role of the National Curriculum Development Center in Nepal?

a) Developing and revising the national curriculum
b) Accrediting schools and universities
c) Providing funding to schools and universities
d) All of the above
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What is the main challenge facing education in rural areas of Nepal?

a) Limited access to schools and teachers
b) Limited funding and resources for schools
c) Limited access to technology and internet connectivity
d) All of the above
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What is the status of private universities in Nepal?

a) Well-established and widely available
b) Moderately established and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely used
d) None of the above
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What is the language of instruction in most schools in Nepal?

a) Nepali
b) English
c) Hindi
d) Sanskrit
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What is the main challenge facing higher education in Nepal?

a) Insufficient funding for universities and research
b) Limited access to quality education for low-income students
c) Inadequate infrastructure and resources for universities
d) All of the above
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What is the main goal of the School Sector Development Plan in Nepal?

a) To improve the quality of education in schools
b) To increase access to education for all children
c) To promote vocational education and training opportunities
d) To reduce the dropout rate in schools
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What is the role of the Higher Education Commission in Nepal?

a) Developing and revising the national curriculum for higher education
b) Accrediting universities and colleges
c) Providing funding to universities and colleges
d) All of the above
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What is the main challenge facing early childhood education in Nepal?

a) Limited access to quality early childhood education programs
b) Limited resources for early childhood education programs
c) Stigma and discrimination against children in early childhood education
d) All of the above
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What is the status of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Nepal?

a) Well-established and widely available
b) Moderately established and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely used
d) None of the above
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What is the main challenge facing education for marginalized and disadvantaged groups in Nepal?

a) Limited access to education due to economic and social barriers
b) Insufficient funding and resources for education in marginalized and disadvantaged communities
c) Discrimination and stigma against marginalized and disadvantaged groups
d) All of the above
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What is the main challenge facing the implementation of the government’s school feeding program in Nepal?

a) Insufficient funding for the program
b) Limited access to food in rural areas
c) Lack of participation from schools and communities
d) All of the above
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What is the status of distance learning and online education in Nepal?

a) Well-established and widely available
b) Moderately established and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely used
d) None of the above
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Which government agency is responsible for managing the education system in Nepal?

a) Ministry of Education
b) National Education Council
c) Higher Education Commission
d) Department of Education
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What is the literacy rate in Nepal, according to the latest available data?

a) 50%
b) 65%
c) 75%
d) 85%
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What is the main challenge facing teacher training in Nepal?

a) Limited access to training programs for teachers
b) Insufficient funding for teacher training
c) Inadequate curriculum and resources for teacher training
d) All of the above
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What is the main goal of the Community School Support Program (CSSP) in Nepal?

a) To provide funding and resources for community-run schools
b) To improve the quality of education in community-run schools
c) To increase access to education for children in remote areas
d) To reduce the dropout rate in community-run schools
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What is the main challenge facing the implementation of the government’s scholarship program in Nepal?

a) Insufficient funding for the program
b) Limited access to scholarships for low-income students
c) Lack of awareness about scholarship opportunities
d) All of the above
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What is the role of the National Examination Board in Nepal?

a) Developing and revising the national curriculum for schools
b) Administering national examinations for schools
c) Accrediting schools and colleges
d) All of the above
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What are the main goal of the Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) program in Nepal?

a) To provide vocational education and training opportunities for high school graduates
b) To improve the quality of technical education in schools
c) To increase access to technical education and training for disadvantaged groups
d) To reduce the dropout rate in technical education programs
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What is the main challenge facing the implementation of the government’s school construction program in Nepal?

a) Insufficient funding for the program
b) Limited access to construction materials in rural areas
c) Lack of participation from local communities
d) All of the above
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What are the main goal of the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) program in Nepal?

a) To increase access to education for girls and women
b) To improve the quality of education for marginalized and disadvantaged groups
c) To promote gender equality and social inclusion in education
d) To reduce the dropout rate among girls and women
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What is the status of inclusive education in Nepal?

a) Well-established and widely available
b) Moderately established and selectively available
c) Limited and not widely used
d) None of the above
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