I will share some of the important social issues MCQ Question Answer in Nepal, this topic is Covered in the Blog Post, Nepal is a small South Asian country and is known for its beautiful landscapes and diverse culture.

Understanding Nepali Society: Exploring Social Issues in Nepal

In this blog post, I will share some of the important social issues MCQ Question Answer in Nepal, this topic Covered in the Blog Post are Caste System in Nepal, Gender Roles, and Women’s Rights, Child Marriage in Nepal, Social Injustice and Marginalization, Access to Education and Healthcare, Environmental Issues in Nepal

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Nepali Society Question Answer

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What is the dominant caste group in Nepal?

A. Kshatriya
B. Brahmin
C. Vaishya
D. Shudra
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What is the status of the caste system in Nepal today?

A. It has been completely abolished.
B. It still plays a significant role in Nepali society.
C. It only affects a small minority of people in rural areas.
D. It has been replaced by a class-based system.
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What is the literacy rate for Nepali women compared to Nepali men?

A. Women have a higher literacy rate than men.
B. Men have a higher literacy rate than women.
C. Literacy rates are roughly equal between men and women.
D. There is no data available on literacy rates in Nepal.
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Which of the following is a common form of gender-based violence in Nepal?

A. Domestic violence
B. Honor killings
C. Dowry-related violence
D. All of the above
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Which group in Nepali society is most likely to face discrimination and social injustice?

A. Brahmins
B. Kshatriyas
C. Dalits
D. Vaishyas
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What is the legal age for marriage in Nepal?

A. 16 for boys and 18 for girls
B. 18 for both boys and girls
C. 20 for boys and 22 for girls
D. There is no legal age for marriage in Nepal.
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Which of the following is a major health issue in Nepali society?

B. Malaria
C. Tuberculosis
D. All of the above
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Which ethnic group is the largest in Nepal?

A. Tamang
B. Newar
C. Chhetri
D. Gurung
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What is the most common religion in Nepal?

A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Islam
D. Christianity
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What is the main language spoken in Nepal?

A. Nepali
B. Hindi
C. English
D. Mandarin
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What is the role of women in Nepali society?

A. Women have equal opportunities and rights as men.
B. Women are primarily responsible for domestic work and child-rearing.
C. Women are not allowed to work outside of the home.
D. Women have no legal or political rights in Nepal.
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Which political system is currently in place in Nepal?

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Communist government
D. Military dictatorship
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What is the main source of income for most Nepali people?

A. Agriculture
B. Manufacturing
C. Tourism
D. Technology
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Which organization is responsible for ensuring human rights are protected in Nepal?

A. United Nations
B. Amnesty International
C. Human Rights Watch
D. National Human Rights Commission
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What is the most commonly celebrated festival in Nepal?

A. Dashain
B. Tihar
C. Holi
D. Diwali
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What is the status of LGBTQ+ rights in Nepal?

A. Same-sex marriage is legal and LGBTQ+ individuals have legal protection against discrimination.
B. Same-sex marriage is illegal but LGBTQ+ individuals have legal protection against discrimination.
C. Same-sex marriage is legal but LGBTQ+ individuals do not have legal protection against discrimination.
D. Same-sex marriage is illegal and LGBTQ+ individuals do not have legal protection against discrimination.
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What is the average life expectancy in Nepal?

A. 50 years
B. 60 years
C. 70 years
D. 80 years
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What is the main cause of deforestation in Nepal?

A. Agriculture
B. Mining
C. Logging
D. Climate change
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Which mountain range is located in Nepal and is home to the highest peak in the world?

A. Rocky Mountains
B. Andes Mountains
C. Himalayas
D. Alps
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What is the main mode of transportation in Nepal?

A. Cars
B. Buses
C. Trains
D. Bicycles
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What is the role of religion in Nepali society?

A. Religion plays a significant role in daily life and culture.
B. Religion has no significant influence in Nepali society.
C. Nepali society is mostly secular and does not have a strong religious identity.
D. Nepal has a state religion and all citizens are required to practice it.
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What is the main source of air pollution in Nepal?

A. Industrial emissions
B. Vehicle emissions
C. Burning of biomass for cooking and heating
D. Wildfires
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What is the literacy rate in Nepal?

A. 60%
B. 70%
C. 80%
D. 90%
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What is the status of child labor in Nepal?

A. Child labor is illegal and not a significant issue in Nepal.
B. Child labor is legal but regulated by the government.
C. Child labor is illegal but still a significant issue in Nepal.
D. Child labor is legal and widespread in Nepal.
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What is the main industry in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal?

A. Agriculture
B. Manufacturing
C. Tourism
D. Information technology
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What is the main religion practiced by the Newar ethnic group in Nepal?

A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Islam
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What is the most common form of transportation in rural areas of Nepal?

A. Cars
B. Buses
C. Trains
D. Walking
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What is the status of healthcare in Nepal?

A. Healthcare is accessible and of high quality.
B. Healthcare is accessible but of low quality.
C. Healthcare is not accessible to most Nepali citizens.
D. Healthcare is not a significant issue in Nepal.
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Which international organization provides aid and assistance to Nepal?

A. World Health Organization
B. World Bank
C. United Nations Development Programme
D. All of the above
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What is the main traditional occupation of the Sherpa ethnic group in Nepal?

A. Agriculture
B. Animal husbandry
C. Mountaineering and guiding
D. Carpentry
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What is the main language spoken in Nepal?

A. Hindi
B. English
C. Nepali
D. Mandarin
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What is the status of women’s education in Nepal?

A. Women have equal access to education as men.
B. Women have limited access to education compared to men.
C. Women are not allowed to attend school or receive an education.
D. Women are required to receive a certain level of education before they can get married.
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What is the main cause of natural disasters in Nepal?

A. Earthquakes
B. Floods
C. Landslides
D. Droughts
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What is the status of poverty in Nepal?

A. Nepal is a wealthy country with no significant poverty.
B. Poverty is a significant issue in Nepal, with a large portion of the population living in poverty.
C. Poverty is not a significant issue in Nepal, with only a small portion of the population living in poverty.
D. Poverty is a minor issue in Nepal, with most Nepali citizens living above the poverty line.
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What is the traditional form of government in rural areas of Nepal?

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Communism
D. Tribal council
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What is the main source of electricity in Nepal?

A. Hydroelectric power
B. Nuclear power
C. Fossil fuels
D. Solar power
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What is the main form of housing in rural areas of Nepal?

A. Brick and concrete houses
B. Wooden houses
C. Mud and thatch houses
D. Steel and glass houses
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What is the main mode of communication in rural areas of Nepal?

A. Telephone
B. Internet
C. Radio
D. Face-to-face communication
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What is the main form of entertainment in Nepal?

A. Sports
B. Movies and television
C. Music and dance
D. Shopping and dining
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What is the status of wildlife conservation in Nepal?

A. Nepal has no significant wildlife to protect.
B. Wildlife conservation is a significant issue in Nepal, with many species in danger of extinction.
C. Wildlife conservation is not a significant issue in Nepal.
D. Wildlife conservation is not necessary in Nepal as the country has enough natural resources.
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What is the role of the Dalit caste in Nepali society?

A. Dalits are considered high-caste and hold significant power in Nepali society.
B. Dalits are considered low-caste and are often marginalized and discriminated against in Nepali society.
C. The Dalit caste does not exist in Nepali society.
D. The Dalit caste is a new addition to Nepali society and its role is still being determined.
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What is the main form of government in Nepal?

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Communism
D. Dictatorship
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What is the status of LGBTQ+ rights in Nepal?

A. LGBTQ+ individuals have full legal rights and protections in Nepal.
B. LGBTQ+ individuals are discriminated against and have no legal protections in Nepal.
C. LGBTQ+ individuals are partially protected under the law but still face discrimination and stigma in Nepali society.
D. The LGBTQ+ community does not exist in Nepali society.
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What is the main source of income for the Nepali economy?

A. Agriculture
B. Manufacturing
C. Tourism
D. Technology
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What is the role of family in Nepali society?

A. Family is not an important institution in Nepali society.
B. Family is a significant institution in Nepali society and plays a central role in social life and culture.
C. Family is important in Nepali society but is becoming less significant due to modernization and globalization.
D. Family is important only for certain ethnic groups in Nepali society.
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What is the status of access to clean water in Nepal?

A. Clean water is readily available to all Nepali citizens.
B. Access to clean water is limited in Nepal, with many people lacking access to safe drinking water.
C. Water scarcity is not an issue in Nepal.
D. Nepali citizens have access to clean water only in urban areas.
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What is the main religion practiced by the Tamang ethnic group in Nepal?

A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Islam
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What is the status of mental health care in Nepal?

A. Mental health care is accessible and of high quality in Nepal.
B. Mental health care is accessible but of low quality in Nepal.
C. Mental health care is not accessible to most Nepali citizens.
D. Mental health care is not a significant issue in Nepal.
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What is the main crop grown in Nepal?

A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Corn
D. Potatoes
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What is the status of environmental protection in Nepal?

A. Nepal has strong environmental protection laws and regulations.
B. Environmental protection is not a significant issue in Nepal.
C. Nepal has some environmental protection laws but they are not well-enforced.
D. Nepal does not have any environmental protection laws or regulations.
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What is the role of women in Nepali society?

A. Women have equal rights and opportunities to men in Nepali society.
B. Women are often discriminated against and marginalized in Nepali society.
C. Women are only allowed to work in certain professions in Nepali society.
D. Women are not allowed to work outside of the home in Nepali society.
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What is the main cause of deforestation in Nepal?

A. Climate change
B. Urbanization
C. Agriculture and logging
D. Natural disasters
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What is the main language spoken in Nepal?

A. Nepali
B. Hindi
C. English
D. Bengali
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What is the main religion practiced in Nepal?

A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Islam
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What is the status of child marriage in Nepal?

A. Child marriage is not an issue in Nepal.
B. Child marriage is legal and common in Nepal.
C. Child marriage is illegal but still occurs in Nepal.
D. Child marriage is illegal and rare in Nepal.
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What is the main source of electricity in Nepal?

A. Hydroelectric power
B. Fossil fuels
C. Nuclear power
D. Solar power
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What is the status of access to education in Nepal?

A. Education is readily available and accessible to all Nepali citizens.
B. Education is limited and not accessible to all Nepali citizens, especially in rural areas.
C. Education is not a significant issue in Nepal.
D. Education is only available to certain ethnic groups in Nepal.
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What is the main ethnic group in Nepal?

A. Newars
B. Tamangs
C. Brahmins
D. Chhetris
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What is the status of healthcare in Nepal?

A. Healthcare is accessible and of high quality in Nepal.
B. Healthcare is accessible but of low quality in Nepal.
C. Healthcare is not accessible to most Nepali citizens.
D. Healthcare is not a significant issue in Nepal.
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What is the main export of Nepal?

A. Agricultural products
B. Textiles
C. Precious metals
D. Technology products
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